招聘的隐私 & 饼干通知




包机服务承诺遵守相关隐私法律法规. This 隐私通知 describes how Air Charter Service processes the personal data we collect when you access or use our website or services. 这也将提供有关我们如何工作和保护您的个人数据的信息.


包机服务公司负责处理您的个人资料, 哪些只会收取指定用途, 明确和合法的目的, 而且不能以不符合这些目的的方式进一步加工.

Air Charter Service’s data protection 和 隐私 measures are governed by the 隐私 Act of 1974, the General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679) (“GDPR”) 和 any national implementing laws, 规例及附属法例, 并将不时据此进行修改或更新.


创建个人资料时, 我们将收集各种信息, 包括, 但不限于; your first 和 last name, 电子邮件地址, 电话号码, 当前的雇主, 目前职位, 你感兴趣的领域和一份最新的个人资料(cv/resume).

我们可能会在甄选过程中要求提供与职位相关的个人资料. 这将是关于你以前的工作经历和薪水期望的信息. Additionally you will be required to complete an ability test 和 a psychometric 和 motivational questionnaire.  

根据感兴趣的Country,范围可能有所不同. It is possible that sensitive information such as trade union membership or health information are questioned. This is dependent on the local requirements of the country where the specific job vacancy is. 这些信息将被添加到您的配置文件中.


Air Charter Service will collect 和 process your personal data to fulfil requirements relating to recruitment processes.

您可直接向我们提供您的个人资料, 或者我们可能从第三方收集您的个人资料, such as recruitment agencies; we may also collect information from publicly available sources such as job boards 和 social media platforms.


当您创建配置文件时, we will retain the personal data for a period of 24 months after your last login (period of 6 months if you are located in 德国, 如果您在美国,则为36个月). 您将通过电子邮件收到删除个人资料的通知. 您可以在此期限届满前的任何时间删除您的个人资料.


Air Charter Service collects 和 processes your Personal Data on the basis of different legal grounds, depending on the nature of the Personal Data being provided 和 the type of processing involved.


Some of the Personal Data is processed on the basis that it is necessary for the performance of our agreement with you, or in order to take steps at the request of the user prior to entering such an agreement. An example of this would be where Air Charter Service needs to verify your identity to further the job application.


处理您的个人数据所依据的理由是合法利益, where we believe you have a reasonable expectation that we will perform a particular type of processing on your behalf, 或者这种处理对于检测和预防欺诈是绝对必要的. 一个例子是我们回应你的疑问和询问.


A ground relied upon in order to collect 和 process certain types of Personal or Sensitive information, or where appropriate to keep you informed of any similar job vacancies that may be of interest. 你可以撤回你的同意, 如本隐私声明所述(如适用), 或者发邮件给


A ground relied upon for certain types of processing is that it is necessary in order to allow compliance with a legal obligation. An example of this would be to retain business records for fixed periods of time in order to comply with local legal requirements.



这包括外部第三方服务提供商, 比如会计, 审计人员, 专家, lawyers 和 other outside professional advisors; IT systems, support 和 hosting service providers; printing, 广告, marketing 和 market research 和 analysis service providers; document 和 records management providers; technical engineers; data storage 和 cloud providers 和 similar third-party vendors 和 outsourced service providers that assist us in carrying out business activities.


Air Charter Service may share Personal Information with governmental or other public authorities (包括, 但不限于, 法院, 执法, tax authorities 和 criminal investigations agencies); 和 third-party civil legal process participants 和 their accountants, 审计人员, lawyers 和 other advisors 和 representatives as we believe to be necessary or appropriate: (a) to comply with applicable law, 包括 laws outside your country of residence; (b) to comply with legal process; (c) to respond to requests from public 和 government authorities 包括 public 和 government authorities outside your country of residence; (d) to enforce our terms 和 conditions; (e) to protect our operations or those of any of our group companies; (f) to protect our rights, 隐私, 安全或财产, 以及我们的集团公司, you or others; 和 (g) to allow us to pursue available remedies or limit our damages.


我们是Mountfitchet集团的成员公司. 我们可能会与我们集团公司的某些成员共享您的个人信息. Where they have access to your personal data they will use it only for the purposes set out in this 隐私通知. Air Charter Service will remain responsible for the management 和 security of jointly used Personal Information. 在包机服务内查阅个人资料, 以及我们的公司集团, is restricted to those individuals who have a need to access the information for our business purposes.


Air Charter Service is committed to keeping your personal data safe 和 secure from unauthorised access to or unauthorised alterations, 泄露或销毁我们所掌握的信息.


-检讨我们收集的资料, 存储和处理实践, 包括物理安全措施;
- Contractual confidentiality 和 processing agreements for employees 和/or third parties who may require access to personal data;
- And internal policies setting out our data security procedures 和 training for employees.


“Cookies” are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive. 请参阅我们的 饼干的政策 浏览有关Cookies使用的进一步资料.


在某些情况下, 根据资料保护法例,您享有与您的个人资料有关的权利. 这些权利包括:



如对本私隐声明或更新有任何查询或意见, 对你的记录的修改和更正, 请联系


Air Charter Service will occasionally update this 隐私通知 in accordance with business 和 legal requirements. 如有任何重大变动,我们将在网站上发布通知, 在适当的时候, 使用我们为您保留的联系方式通知您. We encourage you to periodically review this Notice to be informed of how we use your information.

  • 专门的客户经理
  • 没有义务
  • 30年以上工作经验
  • 可用的24/7

